Chapter 10 (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Questions 1,2, and 3)


1.      The false starts of the CIBER ten show me that even knowing what a system should be able to handle, the reliability of the system can be a little unpredictable. It took the CIBER team at least 4 tries before they got it right. That’s a whole lot of wasted money and time. It makes me wonder if it’s smarter to have a system that will handle way too much than one that won’t handle enough. You might spend more in the beginning, but at least you know it will work.


2.      The process that the CIBER team went through could have been managed better by doing just this. They could have spent more money in the beginning and not have wasted so much time trying different configurations.


3.      Because it is what they found to work, I supposed the final configuration that the CIBER team came up with is a good one. The technology that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame now has is very interesting. It obviously attracts a lot of interest (100 hours per week for each of 25 kiosks) and the users probably have no idea how much went into this undertaking just so they could watch a video or listen to an audio clip.